Company Profile

CCS is your partner for the digitization and conversion of historical document collections into sustainable, digital archives. Implement your next project with our all-in-one solution and services – from professional scanning to quality control of the digitized version in the METS/ALTO metadata standard.

Since 1975

With over 45 years of experience and specialization in software and workflow automation, CCS is one of the world’s leading providers of innovative software solutions for large-scale digitization and conversion projects.

Cultural Heritage

Our success is based on our desire to use technology to provide cutting-edge access to knowledge. The conversion of analogue material into meaningfully structured digital archives allows new ground to be broken in research.


Consult CCS for your large-scale projects and benefit from our unique end-to-end workflow. CCS coordinates and connects all essential digitization processes, starting with tracked logistics and scanning through digitization/conversion incl. layout analysis and text recognition, right up to quality control.


Our software enables you to convert your documents to METS/ALTO, a flexible meta data format and the de-facto standard for the digitization of printed collections. As a member of the ALTO board and as part of the original development team, we have had significant influence on this data format, which further distinguishes our products.


As an internationally established company, we continuously adapt our software to fresh standards. Adaptable to different languages, character sets, writing systems (e.g. Gothic, Arabic, Mandarin) and layout formats (e.g. page layout for historical or modern print products), our software is able to process versatile source material in the highest quality.

Create your sustainable data archive – with CCS

We specialize in the development of intelligent digitization software with which you can convert your analogue or digital documents, such as newspapers, journals and books, whether they be in printed form, on microfiche / microfilm or already digitized (scanned or born digital) material.

In a seamless conversion process with our docWizz software, your scanned document pages first pass through cropping and deskewing, then to zoning, layout analysis, text recognition (OCR) and structural analysis, and finally are outputted in METS/ALTO. A time and cost efficient quality assurance can be achieved with our validation software Validator.

To complete the picture, we offer corresponding services for the implementation of your entire digitisation project: The organisation and tracking of logistics (itemTracking), scanning (Digitization Services), monitoring of conversion (docWizz) and post-correction/validation (Quality Management).

Our products let you create a long-term secured, globally accessible and above all sustainable archive which is searchable according to various criteria and can be used or marketed with maximum flexibility.