For KITODO-PRODUCTION, CCS has developed the cloud-based solution CLOUTODO, the digitization and conversion application for libraries, archives, museums and information centres to digitize and convert their document collections.
CLOUTODO supports the complete digitization workflow, from scanning to long-term archiving and presentation. As a cloud-based solution, it can be used immediately without the need to set up your own IT infrastructure.
Users can choose between different standard applications and adapt them according to their needs.
Standardized applications
for libraries
- Hosting
- Store
- Updates und maintenance
- Extended functionalities
(OCR and METS/ALTO) - Service and support (Email, forum)
Added performance
- Customization
- Advancement
(connection to presentation and catalogue systems) - Scanning
- Presentation
Cost effective
- BASIC price model
(basic settings) - PREMIUM price model
(advanced features) - PRIVATE price model
(customized features)
The solution is a combination of both
CLOUTODO combines two professional software applications that are well established in the market. KITODO.PRODUCTION focuses on workflow tracking and metadata capture. docWizz layout analysis, OCR and METS/ALTO complements the KITODO software system.
CLOUTODO is thus a cloud-based KITODO.PRODUCTION application optimised by the functionalities of the docWizz.

„Sharing is caring“
CLOUTODO not only includes the expertise of the KITODO community and CCS, but also the know-how of additional partners. CLOUTODO is open to new collaborations, in order to continuously develop the quality and maintain its high standards. With additional applications and the accompanying potential, we offer the best possible service.
We focus on participation – thus we advocate further collaborations in order to be optimally positioned in the future.
If you are interested in a cooperation and for further information, please contact us at the following e-mail adress: info@content-conversion.com.
“Der KITODO-Vorstand begrüßt die Initiative von CCS, mit CLOUTODO ein unabhängiges, rein cloudbasiertes Angebot für KITODO.PRODUCTION zu schaffen. Dadurch erweitert sich für Mitglieder und alle potenziellen Nutzer das Portfolio von möglichen Lösungen für eine Digitalisierung Ihrer historischen Bestände.”
Robert Strötgen, Stellv. Direktor Universitätsbibliothek Braunschweig, Vorsitzender KITODO e.V.